The Warrior Within

Hey there, Radiant Women, I’m Tracy Keck, a mom, wife, friend and most importantly, a daughter of the King. I’m flawed, but real, honest, and continue to work out my salvation daily. I’m passionate about the way God can change a life with His love, grace, power and mercy, and am thrilled and honored to use my love of writing to contribute to this blog!

For most of my life, I didn’t feel like I was a normal girl. The definitions for “normal” are vast and varied. But in my instance it is this… I like dressing up, being girly, and looking pretty, but only sometimes. I don’t often accessorize and only change out my purse when it’s worn out. Two of my least favorite things are talking on the phone and <gasp> shopping! Overall, I’m pretty low maintenance.

The things I do enjoy are not typically as “girly.” I like war movies more than romance and boxing more than baseball. Having recently celebrated our 10-year anniversary, I was thrilled to receive the gift of my dreams! No, it wasn’t bling, it was steel ~ I now have my very first handgun! I would love to get a black belt in martial arts (but have bad knees). See, not a “normal” girl.

For quite a long time, I felt this made me unfeminine. Like my girl-card was near to being taken away. Now though, something has changed. I have had an epiphany of sorts. God has opened my eyes to who He created me to be!

When I look at the list above, I see a common thread. All of these things that I enjoy so much are not masculine v. feminine. They are merely activities that represent strength, discipline, determination, focus, tenacity, protectiveness and an unwillingness to give up. These are the characteristics of being a warrior. And that is who God created me to be ~ a warrior, a champion for Him and His Kingdom.

My time in this world is not just for me. As my pastor says, “This life is not about this life.”  I could skate through life, being saved and just manage to get through, not shaking things up, not rocking the boat. Or, I can stand up, walk in my purpose, and use the tools (gifts and talents) God has given me to make a difference.

Anytime we work toward the advancement of God’s Kingdom, we encounter resistance. We have a very real adversary who is against us. He is evil, he is deceitful, and he doesn’t fight fair. Satan doesn’t just want to pick on us a little because he is a bully. Rather he is a liar and a thief, and his purpose is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). He wants to destroy us, not because he thinks he can win, but because he knows he’s already lost, and he wants to take as many of God’s people, of God’s chosen ones, with him.

God knows we’re in a battle and He has given us all the tools we need to win, for He has already won. What tools do we have at our disposal? We have prayer ~ no battle can be won without communication. We have God’s Word, a sword, a weapon for offense. We have our faith, a shield, a weapon for defense. We have truth, righteousness, peace and salvation, all tools which allow us to stand strong in the fight, and advance in our purpose, taking ground from the enemy. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

So we must fight. All of us. We may grow weary, we may get bloodied, we may even lose some of the battles, but we must never give up. We must always rise up, in God, and the strength He has given us, and fight. There may come a time to rest, to refresh, to heal, but we always have to return to the fight. Because the only way Satan can truly win in our lives, is if we give up, if we allow him to win.

Girls, I encourage you to take Ephesians 6:10-18 and meditate on it. Ask God what specific ways you can use His tools that He’s given you in your own personal battle. We all have different passions and interests. God will show us how to combine our passions with the tools he’s given us to defeat the enemy in our battles.

Fight on, Warrior Princess!